Sunday, July 3, 2016

Why the Blog?

No matter anyone's religious or personal background, nearly all would agree that there exist both good and evil in this world.  Many things are clearly good: reconciling conflict, being kind to others, being loyal to a good cause, putting someone's needs before your own, graduating from school, standing up for something that is true or good (or someone that is in the right) but not necessarily popular and many others; the list could go on and on.   Many things are clearly good.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, there are many things that are clearly not good.  For instance, starvation, anger, hatred, selfishness, greed, unkindness, and many others.

We all find ways to understand good and evil and to deal with them in our lives.  For me, the lens of Christianity, and specifically, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly known as Mormonism, serves as the best lens to not only understand what is good and what is evil, but to find, embrace, and fully engage with that which is good.  It has been my experience that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is full of teachings, ordinances, perspectives, approaches, and opportunities that ultimately lead to fulfillment and enrichment in all areas of life.  In short, I am committed to the cause of Christ and His Church.  I would like the join the chorus advocating faithful belief in Jesus Christ and fidelity to Him by following covenants and doctrines found in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Belief and discipleship, however, are not meant to be effort-free nor are they always straightforward and common-sensical.  We all struggle with a wide spectrum of things in our lives.  The spiritual life involves paradox, acknowledgment of our own limitations, shortcomings, sinfulness, and other challenges.  I would like to address and discuss some of these in this blog.  For those with the desire to believe, to seek God through Christianity and Mormonism, I would like to show how there is intellectual and spiritual space available for all to do so while still acknowledging the challenges and difficulties we face, and the possible need to adjust our understanding and perspectives from time to time.

All thoughts and expressions found on this blog are mine and mine alone.  In the words of a favorite podcast, I speak only for myself and sometimes, not even then.

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