Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Reflections on D&C 19

D&C 19 is a beautiful section given to Martin Harris.

The first section, after a brief prelude, focuses on repentance and on punishments that befall those who do not repent, as in verses 5 and 15-19.

There is an interesting aside about the idea that God's name is eternal, so that eternal punishment is God's punishment. A reasonable extension is that eternal life is God's life.

The thrust of repentance is so that Martin Harris may more fully keep the commandments which he has received by the hand of God's servant Joseph Smith.

Verse 21 seems to be a pivot towards preaching, though it seems mid-stream.

The back half of this section seems to focus on several interrelated points such as:

1. Pray (see vs. 28 and 38)
2. Preach  (see 21, 29-31)
3. Seek the Lord (see 23-24,
4. Humility (see 23, 30, 41)
5. Sacrifice (see 25-27, 34-37)

The Lord is encouraging Martin to willingly sacrifice his property for the publication of the Book of Mormon, and to look forward to service, to preaching, in a spirit of prayer and humility, rejoicing in the great promises such as verse 38.

Considering Martin's wealth, age, and past history with the plates, it is understandable that the Lord saw fit to focus on humility.

This is wise counsel to all of us. How am I building the kingdom of God? What am I sacrificing? With increasing wealth, how humble am I? Do I remember to pray fervently to the Lord? Do I look forward to preaching and sharing the Gospel?

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